
New Organ for Podolsk, Russia

Art Center | II/27 | 2015 | Opus 1005

This is a new organ for the Art Centre in Podolsk, 40km south of Moscow. It is installed at ground level in a separate Organ Room and has have a French Romantic specification.
Instruments in this style - as represented (like this one) by the organs of the famous French organ builder Cavaillé-Coll in connection with the compositions of César Franck, Charles-Marie Widor etc – are very popular. Nevertheless, the performance of the classical repertoire will also be possible, above all the works of Bach.

Video: César Franck, Choral Nr. 2 h-moll


I. Grand Orgue C-g3

  1. Bourdon 16'
  2. Montre 8'
  3. Flûte harmonique 8'
  4. Violoncelle 8'
  5. Bourdon 8'
  6. Prestant 4'
  7. Flûte à cheminée 4'
  8. Doublette 2'
  9. Fourniture 4-5f. 1 1/3'
  10. Cornet 5f. ab a0 2'
  11. Trompette 8'

II. Récit expressif C-g3

  1. Flûte traversière 8'
  2. Viole de Gambe 8'
  3. Bourdon 8'
  4. Voix cèleste 8'
  5. Flûte octaviante 4'
  6. Nazard 2 2/3'
  7. Octavin 2'
  8. Trompette harm. 8'
  9. Hautbois 8'
  10. Voix humaine 8'

Pedal C-f1

  1. Flûte 16'
  2. Soubasse 16'
  3. Basse 8'
  4. Bourdon 8'
  5. Basson 16'
  6. Trompete 8'

I/P, II/P, II/I, Sub II
mechanische Spieltraktur, mechanische Registertraktur mit Setzeranlage (Doppelregistratur)

