
Düsseldorf-Lörick, St. Maria Hilfe der Christen

Renovation of the Kreienbrink organ (1959) | III/31 | 2024

The organ was built in 1959 by the Kreienbrink company (Osnabrück) with electropneumatic cone chests and a free-form pipe design. An organ case was added in 1990. The third manual received a swell box and an additional register (Schwebung 8'). Today the instrument has 31 stops on three manuals and pedal.

In 2024 we renovated the organ's electrical system and installed a new mobile console and a setter system.

In a later phase of construction, a technical and tonal renovation is planned, in which the voicing of the organ will also be revised.


I. Hauptwerk C-g3

  1. Großgedackt 16'
  2. Prinzipal 8'
  3. Gemsrohrflöte 8'
  4. Weitoktave 4'
  5. Zartquintade 4'
  6. Rauschpfeife 2 2/3'
  7. Großmixtur 6-fach
  8. Kupfertrompete 8'

II. Rückpositiv C-g3

  1. Spielflöte 8'
  2. Singend Gedackt 8'
  3. Trichterprinzipal 4'
  4. Helloktave 2'
  5. Terzglöcklein 3-fach
  6. Holzkrummhorn 8'

III. Schwellwerk C-g3

  1. Gambe 8'
  2. Schwebung 8'
  3. Flötgedackt 8'
  4. Bartpfeife 8'
  5. Hornpraestant 4'
  6. Hohlflaut 2'
  7. Spitzquinte 1 1/3'
  8. Sesquialtera 2-fach
  9. Engtrompete 16'
  10. Hornoboe 8'

Pedal C-f1

  1. Kupferprinzipal 16'
  2. Gedacktuntersatz 16'
  3. Oktavbass 8'
  4. Gedacktpommer 8'
  5. Choralbass 4'
  6. Hintersatz 5-fach
  7. Posaune 16'

    Koppeln: II-I, III-I, III-II, I-P, II-P, III-P
    elektropneumatische Kegelladen