
Hamburg-Altona, St. Marien
Renovierung der Führer-Orgel (1964) | III/33 | 2011
In the aftermath of the Second World War most art forms underwent a significant change in taste and sensitivity. The Organ Reform Movement (Orgelbewegung) begun in the 1920s by the writer and organbuilder Hans Jenny Jahnn and Rudolf von Beckerath, achieved wide recognition in North Germany. As a result the romantic style of organbuilding was rejected and a new reconstructed tonal ideology created, based on organs by Schnitger and Silbermann, yet which forfeited any connection to the true baroque and to the romantic organ. Today this is termed 'neo-baroque'. Rudolf von Beckerath described his ideal thus - "the pipe, once made, arrives in the instrument without any tonal preparation!". In later years, the tonal roughness and imbalance of his instruments was often tempered by revoicing.
Despite renovation in 2003, the 1964 Alfred Führer organ in the Marienkirche in Hamburg-Altona had all the usual defects. Too cool, too rich in overtones, lacking in fullness and with unsteady wind in full organ.
In the course of the refurbishment of the church, we have completely overhauled the organ, enlarging it to three manuals and providing a new console. The richly appointed Schwellwerk blends in inconspicuous fashion, both visually and tonally, into the existing design. It offers enormous variety in playing organ literature and in its liturgical role, and, thanks to its well-defined spatial layout, great plasticity.
The disposition of the Schwellwerk and the whole voicing concept is a further development of the original instrument, as can also be found in the later works of the Führer firm. Thanks to a re-designed and progressive-acting wind system, our experienced voicer, Reiner Janke, has been able to create a lively, harmonically complete North German-influenced ensemble.
I. Hauptwerk C-g3
- Prinzipal 8'
- Rohrflöte 8'
- Oktave 4'
- Gedacktflöte 4'
- Oktave 2'
- Mixtur 4f 1 1/3'
- Trompete 8'
II. Schwellwerk C-g3
- Bordun 16'
- Prinzipal 8'
- Konzertflöte 8'
- Bordun 8'
- Gemshorn 8'
- Schwebung ab c0 8'
- Oktave 4'
- Traversflöte 4'
- Nazard 2 2/3'
- Spitzflöte 2'
- Terz 1 3/5'
- Mixtur 3-4f 2'
- Trompete 8'
- Oboe 8'
- Vox humana 8'
III. Rückpositiv C-g3
- Gedackt 8'
- Blockflöte 4'
- Sesquialter 2 2/3'
- Prästant 2'
- Sifflöte 1 1/3'
- Oktave 1'
- Dulzian 8'
Pedal C-f1
- Subbass 16'
Bordun 16' Transmission aus dem Schwellwerk - Prästant 8'
Konzertflöte 8' Transm. SW
Gemshorn 8' Transm. SW - Oktave 4'
Traversflöte 4' Transm. SW
Mixtur 3-4f 2' Transm. SW - Fagott 16'
Trompete 8' Transm. SW
Koppel: II/I, III/I, III/II, I/P, II/P, III/P
Sub II, Super II, Sub II/I, Super II/I, Super II