Organ Works

Filderstadt-Bonlanden, Neuapost. Kirche
Neubau | II/11 | 2009 | Opus 993
The new organ was planned at the same time as the new church was built in 2009. This rare opportunity made it possible to integrate the instrument both tonally and architecturally into the new building.
The front of the case completely encloses the recess where the organ is sited on the right-hand wall of the church. All the manual stops except the Principal, Oktave and Mixtur are placed on interchange sliders. In addition, the Gedecktflöte is equipped with a triple draw allowing it to be played on both manuals simultaneously. The scope for different stop combinations is thereby considerably enhanced.
A growing number of enquiries about interchange sliders shows that this system is becoming increasingly widespread.
I. Hauptwerk C-g3
- Prinzipal 8'
- Gedacktflöte 8'
- Gambe 8'
- Oktave 4'
- Flöte 4'
- Nazard 2 2/3'
- Flöte 2'
- Mixtur 4f HZ 2'
- Terz 1 3/5'
- Basson-Hautbois 8'
Ausser Prinzipal 8' alle Register im Generalschweller.
II. Wechselschleifen aus HW C-g3
Gedacktflöte 8'
Gambe 8'
Flöte 4'
Nazard 2 2/3'
Flöte 2'
Terz 1 3/5'
Basson-Hautbois 8'
Pedal C-f1
- Subbass 16'
- Oktavbass 8'
Koppel: II/I, I/P, II/P