Organ Works

Mettmann, St. Lambertus
Neubau | III/42 | 2000-2011 | Opus 1008
The first organ in the neo-gothic church of St Lambertus, built in 1881, was inaugurated in 1912. It was the work of the Aachen Orgelbau-Anstalt G Stahlhuth and had 2 manuals and 28 stops.
In 1994 an Organ and Church Music Development Committee was established at St Lambertus. In 1997 our firm was contracted to provide a new organ of 3 manuals and 42 stops, re-utilising the existing pipework and case of the Stahlhuth organ.
As the full finances were not secured at the time of awarding the contract, only two manuals and 29 stops could be commissioned. Although this comprised only around 1860 pipes, the overall concept remained unchanged. Console and layout were designed in preparation for eventual realisation of the full concept. The first stage was completed in 2000.
A few years later finance became available for the four 'prepared-for' stops on the Schwellwerk.
We received the go-ahead for the third and final phase in May 2010. We hope that the completion of the organ will continue to delight worshippers and concert-goers alike for many years to come.
I. Hauptwerk C-g3
- Bourdon 16' r
- Prinzipal 8' r
- Flute harm. 8' r
- Fugara 8' r
- Gemshorn 8' r
- Gedact 8' r
- Flute traverse 4' r
- Sesquialter 2f 2 2/3' r
- Octave 2'
- Mixtur 3-4 f 2' r
- Trompete 8' r
II. Positiv im Schwellkasten C-g3
- Holzflöte 8'
- Rohrgedact 8'
- Salicional 8'
- Principal 4'
- Hohlflöte 4'
- Waldflöte 2'
- Carillon 3f
- Clarinette 8' (durchschlagend)
- Vox humana 8'
III. Schwellwerk C-g3
- Geigenprincipal 8' r
- Gambe 8' r
- Quintatön 8' r
- Gedact 8' r
- Aeoline 8'
- Vox coelestis 8'
- Fugara 4'
- Rohrflöte 4'
- Nazard 2 2/3'
- Flageolet 2'
- Terz 1 3/5'
- Pleinjeu 5 f 2'
- Fagott 16'
- Trompette harm 8'
- Oboe 8' r
- Clairon 4'
Pedal C-f1
- Contrabass 16' r
- Subbass 16' r
- Octavbass 8' r
- Cello 8'
- Choralbass 4'
- Posaune 16' r
Mit "r" gekennzeichnete Register sind restaurierte aus der alten Orgel.
II/I; III/I; III/II; I/P; II/P; III/P; Sub III; Super III/Pedal
Mechanische Schleiflade mit elektr. Setzerkombination
Druckpunktminderer, Sequenzschalter, Crescendowalze, Handschwellzüge