Organ Works

Klein Offenseth-Sparrieshoop, Osterkirche
Renovierung, Umbau und Einbau einer Jehmlich-Orgel (1977) | II/25 | 2018
The evangelical (Lutheran) church in Sparrieshoop near Hamburg was dedicated on 22 July 2014 and given the name ‘Easter Church’. It is an inviting worship space, flooded with light and whose minimalist furnishings create an atmosphere of contemplation. For the congregation it went without saying that the new church should receive a suitably fitting organ. It therefore acquired an instrument originally built for another church. The Jehmlich organ (built in 1977 as Opus 976) from the disused Apostle Church in Bochum-Querenburg was dismantled in 2012 and stored in a container.
This is one of the rare instruments built for the Federal Republic in the GDR and is thus both a testament to its time and a reminder of the division of Germany, now happily overcome. Out of respect for its provenance, its musical character remains largely unchanged. Our conscientious restoration and renewal involved only those technical and tonal changes required to meet the demands of functional reliability and installation in its new home.
The disposition (Hauptwerk left, console and Schwellwerk right, Pedal at the rear) has been retained, as has the layout of the action. However, the original console could not be reused in the new church on account of its size and the materials used in its construction. Instead, a new case was designed to fit in to optimal effect with its architectural surroundings. The old front pipes were included in a new arrangement. The former visible swell shutters were hidden by a grille designed in keeping with the rest of the façade and giving the organ a homogeneous overall appearance. Externally, it is hard to believe that here is an instrument from an entirely different architectural context.
The console had to be made from new. Nevertheless, its appearance, including the wood finish, corresponds to the original. The stop knobs and keys were restored and reused.
The wind system was stabilised and all the pipework carefully regulated to match the sound to the new acoustic.
Finally, a setter/combination system was added for the convenience of the organist and also a Zimbelstern.
The church has an internet site with information about the organ project:
I. Hauptwerk C-g3
- Prinzipal 8’ C-d° Prospekt
- Hohlflöte 8’
- Oktave 4’
- Spillpfeife 4’
- Nassat 2 2/3’
- Oktave 2’
- Mixtur IV-V
- Trompete 8’
II. Schwellwerk C-g3
- Koppelflöte 8’
- Spitzgambe 8’
- Prinzipal 4’
- Rohrflöte 4’
- Waldflöte 2’
- Sesquialter II
- Sifflöte 1’
- Scharf IV
- Franz. Oboe 8’
Pedal C-f1
- Subbaß 16’
- Prinzipalbaß 8’
- Pommer 8’
- Weitoktave 4’
- Nachthorn 2’
- Hintersatz IV
- Posaune 16’
- Clarine 4’
Koppeln: II/I, I/P, II/P