Organ Works

Kastellaun, Kirche Kreuzauffindung
Renovation and enlargement | II/30 +19 Ext/TM | 2020
The Church of the Finding of the Cross in Kastellaun was built in 1899-1902 as a three-aisled basilica in neo-gothic style with transepts and choir side aisles. The organ was completed in 1902, the year the church was dedicated, by the Gerhardt brothers from Boppard. It had two manuals and pedal, 19 stops and pneumatic action. The specification was of its time, in high romantic style with predominantly fundamental tonal colours and complete absence of reeds.
Apart from the front pipes replaced in zinc in WWI, the organ survived in original state until the 1970s, when it was rebuilt by Klein & Son (Obersteinbach) with far-reaching alterations. The old console, built into the side of the case, was replaced by a mobile one, the action converted to electro-pneumatic and the specification ‘barockised’ by the inclusion of higher-pitched stops. Fortunately, the greater part of the pipe material was reused.
In 1999 Mayer (Hausweiler) substituted a new Oboe 8 for the neo-baroque Zimbel 3f. In the course of time tonal shortcomings and technical malfunctions became more and more apparent.
The aim of the planned rebuilding was to create an organ of high tonal and technical quality, which offers new artistic perspectives for the future. The previously unreliable and musically unsatisfying instrument underwent a complete rebuilding with the tonal substance carefully extended.
The historic pipework has great tonal potential and, after careful restoration, was brought back close to the original concept. Where necessary, missing or cut down pipes were reconstructed. The front pipes were re-gilded. In addition there are two new tremulants, and a swell box for Manual II.
A thorough revoicing of the whole organ lead to a characterful and homogeneous tonal palette, unifying all registers into a whole and with romantic warmth bringing its colour and carrying power to full effect.
Among other things on the technical side, work was done on the building frame, as was a re-positioning of the Pedal windchests. The whole organ was moved forward by 30cm to improve maintenance access. The case received a hitherto missing rear wall and tonally transparent infills in the lower part. The side walls were renewed in stylistically correct fashion.
The windchests were overhauled and electrics brought up to modern standards and fitted with a BUS (MIDI) facility. The electric console was converted to accommodate the new specification. The wind system needed to be redesigned and a new blower was provided.
Enlargements to the specification are planned for the future. In preparation for these the space will be provided on added cone valve windchsests.
Further information on the project is available from website of the Musikforum Kastellaun.
I. Hauptwerk C-g3
- Principal 8' G
Violon 16' TM aus Violon 16‘ (C-H) u. Geigenpr. 8‘
Bordun 16‘ TM aus SW - Gamba 8‘ G
- Hohlflöte 8‘ G
Bordun 8‘ TM aus SW - Dolce 8‘ S
- Oktave 4‘ K
- Gemshorn 4‘ G/S
Flauto amabile 4' TM aus SW - Quinte 2 2/3‘ G
- Superectave 2‘ G
Waldflöte 2' TM aus SW - Terz 1 3/5' H
- Mixtur 3f. 1 1/3 K
Fagott 16‘ TM aus SW - Trompete 8‘ K
Tremulant S
II. Schwellwerk C-g3
- Bordun 8‘ H
Bordun 16' Ext. Bordun 8' S
Salicet 16' TM aus Bordun 16' (C-H) u. Salic. 8'
Geigenprinzipal 8‘ Ext. Prinzipal 4' G
Flauto amabile 8' TM aus Bord. 8' (C-H) u. 4' - Salicional 8‘ G
- (Vox coelestis 8‘ ab c°, vacant)
- Prinzipal 4 G
- Flauto amabile 4‘ G
- Fugara 4‘ S
Violine 2' Ext. Fugara 4' S - Waldflöte 2‘ G
- (Progressio 3-4f. 2 2/3' vacant)
Fagott 16' Ext. Oboe 8' S - Trompette harmonique 8‘ S
- Oboe 8’ M
Tremulant S
Pedal C-f1
- Violon 16‘ G
(Untersatz 32' akustisch, vacant) - Subbass 16‘ G
Bordun 16' TM aus SW - Prinzipalbass 8‘ K/S
Cello 8' TM aus SW - Gedacktbass 8‘ G
Bordun 8' TM aus SW
Salicetbass 8' TM aus SW
Choralbass 4' TM aus SW - Posaune 16‘ K
Fagott 16' TM aus SW
Trompette harmonique 8' TM aus SW
Oboe 8' TM aus SW
Clairon 4' TM aus SW, oktaviert
Schalmey 4' TM aus SW, oktaviert
Koppeln: II-I, I-P, II-P, Sub II, Super II
Zusätzliche Schaltungen, Sonder- u. Intervallkoppeln, Pedalteilung, Midirecorder etc. per Registrermatrix steuerbar (Touchscreen)
Kegelladen, elektropneumatische Trakturen, Setzeranlage
G = Gerhardt 1902
H = historisch, unbekannte Herkunft
K = Klein 1974, teilw. unbekannte Herkunft
M = Mayer 1999
S = Späth 2020