Organ Works

Altenbochum, Lukaskirche
Restaurierung | II/30 | 2004
The historical and musical value of organs built artound 1900 has been recognised all too late. For a long time they were dismissed as factory organs and described as worthless or decadent. As a result many of these instruments have either disappeared or been replaced by new ones. This makes the survival of the Sauer organ in Bochum for over 100 years all the more happy.
The organ was electrified and received a new console during a rebuild 50 years ago. This was returned to its original pneumatic state. Knowledge of pneumatic actions and consoles has largely disappeared and we are therefore happy to have staff with the expertise to carry out such work. The organ's wind supply had been radically altered and had to be almost completely reconstructed.
The electric blower and main bellows are housed in the tower. The wind is conveyed through wooden trunking to the windchests and console, stabilised by regulator bellows.
I. Manual C-g3
- Bourdon 16'
- Prinzipal 8'
- Flute harmonique 8'
- Viola di Gamba 8'
- Gedackt 8'
- Gemshorn 8'
- Dolce * 8'
- Octave 4'
- Rohrflöte 4'
- Piccolo 2'
- Mixtur 4f
- Trompete * 8'
II. Manual C-g3
- Lieblich Gedackt * 16'
- Principal * 8'
- Lieblich Gedackt 8'
- Konzertflöte 8'
- Aeoline * 8'
- Vox coelestis * 8'
- Schalmei * 8'
- Fugara * 4'
- Traversflöte 8'
- Rauschquinte 2-fach *
Pedal C-f1
- Principal 16'
- Violon * 16'
- Subbass 16'
- Oktavbass 8'
- Bassflöte 8'
- Violoncello * 8'
- Octave 4'
- Posaune 16'
Die mit einem * gekennzeichneten Register sind rekonstruiert, die übrigen Register sind original.