
Bad Godesberg, Heilandkirche
New organ | II/23 +3 Ext. | OPUS 1013 | 2021
The Heilandkirche in Bad Godesberg-Mehlem, dedicated in 1995, is a characteristic church building by the important architect, Otto Bartning. The main worship space is asymmetrically enclosed by a side chapel and by a narrow side aisle, separated by slim concrete pillars and overhead window slit. White and warm light oak colours predominate throughout. The bright, clearly structured interior is resplendent following renovation and re-ordering completed in 2017. At the same time fittings and furnishing were completely made anew, with a new organ as the final stage.
The removal of the former organ gallery allowed the new instrument to move to a hanging position on the rear wall. On the one hand this provides an unrestricted view of the ten coloured glass windows in the lower half of the wall and, on the other, a relatively shallow organ case fits in better with the reserved architectural concept of the internal space.
The windchests are laid out alongside one another in the main nave with wind system and access ladder in the side aisle. The console stands at ground level with the action connected via a glazed shaft to the organ above. The whole appearance, reduced in its formal elements and colouring, is thus a harmonious complement to the simple interior ensemble.
The universal specification, with its unified and vocally full and colourful voicing, offers a rich variety of registers for liturgical and concert use and for the performance of a broad repertoire.
I. Hauptwerk C-g3
- Bordun 16'
- Principal 8'
- Soloflöte 8'
- Gambe 8'
- Octave 4'
- Flöte 4'
- Quinte 2 2/3'
- Superoktave 2'
- Mixtur 4-fach 1 1/3'
- Trompete 8'
II. Schwellwerk C-g3
- Geigenprincipal 8'
- Bordun 8'
- Salicional 8'
- Vox coelestis 8'
- Fugara 4'
- Blockflöte 4'
- Nasat 2 2/3'
- Octavin 2'
- Terz 1 3/5'
- Oboe 8'
Pedal C-g1
- Subbass 16'
- Octavbass 8'
- Gedacktbass 8' (Ext.)
- Choralbass 4' (Ext.)
- Fagott 16'
- Trompete 8' (Ext.)
I-P, II-P, II-I, Sub II-I, Sub II
mechanische Schleifladen, elektrische Registertraktur mit Setzeranlage