Organ Works

Linz, Anton Bruckner University
New Organ in Cavaillé-Coll Style | III/22 | 2016 | Opus 1006
Anton Bruckner Private University
The University is named after Joseph Anton Bruckner (born 4 September 1824 in Ansfelden, Upper Austria; died 11 October 1896in Vienna). It is one of five Austrian High Schools for Music, Drama and Dance, and one of four universities situated in Linz. The university provides education for 850 students from all over the world, taught by 220 professors and tutors, all internationally recognized artistes, scholars and teachers.
Siting and Concept of the Organ
A new building for the Private University was constructed by the Upper Austrian government on the site of the former Hagen Gründen castle at the foot of the Pöstlingberg. The organ was installed in the Music Room of this new building which has an area of approximately 165 square metres. At an early stage the architectural firm of Kruse involved us in the overall planning and conception of the space.
The concept for the organ is in the tradition of the famous French Romantic organ builder Aristide Cavaillé-Coll (born 4 February 1811 in Montpellier; died 13 October 1899 in Paris) and is based on instruments of the period 1860-5. These were of particularly high quality and possessed a certain lightness and elegance of sound. This is to be heard above all in the principals, with the addition of romantic voices pointing in a new stylistic direction. An abundance of characteristic foundation stops complement each other, and, with skilled voicing, blend wonderfully together, filling the space and catching the ear of the listener.
The very clever disposition of 22 stops over 3 manuals provides, among other things, for the borrowing of 4 stops from the Positif, making them playable on the pedal. These dual-purpose stops allow better exploitation of registration potential. Translating such a scheme into such a small space requires care that the organ should not sound too loud or oppressive. The volume must be set at a modest level to suit the space. Pipe scaling at lower pitches also needs to be narrower, for example the Contrebasse 16 being conceived more as a Violon 16 with smaller scales. The Bombarde 16 reed must not be voiced too powerfully, whilst retaining a certain roundness of tone without loss of fullness.
Design of the organ case
The architectural and ornamental shape of the case design is the result of a predetermined scheme in the style of the Cavaillé-Coll in the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow. See this video showing the designing process.
I. Grand Orgue C-a3
- Montre 8'
- Bourdon 8'
- Prestant 4'
- Quinte 3' *
- Doublette 2' *
- Plein Jeu 4f. *
- Cornet 4f. ab g0 *
- Trompette 8' *
II. Positif C-a3
- Bourdon 16'
- Flûte harmonique 8'
- Violoncelle 8'
- Octave 4'
III. Récit expressif C-a3
- Bourdon 8'
- Viole de Gambe 8'
- Voix celeste 8'
- Flûte octaviante 4'
- Octavin 2' *
- Trompette harm. 8' *
- Basson-Hautbois 8'
- Voix humaine 8'
Pédale C-f'
- Contrebasse 16'
Soubasse 16' Transmission aus dem II. Manual
Flûte 8' Transmission aus dem II. Manual
Violoncelle 8' Transmission aus dem II. Manual
Octave 4' Transmission aus dem II. Manual - Bombarde 16' *
* = Jeux de combinaison
Tirasse: Grand Orgue, Positif, Récit expressif
Copula: R. P., R. G.O., P. G.O.
Octaves graves R., Aigue R. PED.
Appel G.O., R., PED.
mechanische Spieltraktur, mechanische Registertraktur mit Setzeranlage (Doppelregistratur)