Organ Works

Freiburg, Friedenskirche (Peace Church)

Renovierung und Einbau einer Schuke-Orgel (1976) | II/28 | 2019



In 1976 the Schuke firm built a two-manual organ with combined action, technically and tonally in the style of its time, for the evangelical (Lutheran) Pauluskirche in Freiburg. Unfortunately, the church congregation found no further use for this solidly-constructed, quality instrument. As a result, the opportunity arose for the Friedenskirche congregation to acquire the Schuke organ for their own church. Their existing organ – an instrument by Steinmeyer behind a free-standing front – was, for various reasons, unsatisfactory, and its replacement by a reliably functioning instrument offered a much-improved musical solution.

The Schuke organ was first dismantled and placed in storage. It then underwent a complete restoration, with overhaul of the console, action and electric components. The wind system prone to falling pressures was stabilised through suitable corrective measures.

Building alterations and strengthening work to the gallery area were needed before the organ could be installed in the Friedenskirche. This involved the removal of concrete supports on which the old organ was suspended on the back wall. The Schuke organ now stands on the floor of the gallery, with the two pedal cases reaching up almost to the wooden saddle roof. In order to integrate the façade into its architectural surroundings, the middle section containing Hauptwerk and Oberwerk was raised slightly, so that the central part extends further into the gable, instead of being on the same level as the Pedal sections. In addition, the former wood surface finishes have received a white treatment to complement the white walls of the church. Also, the patchwork pipe-shades were replaced by more modern laser-produced ones, thus giving an improved optical relationship to the church ceiling.

The final stage included voicing adjustment and regulation, retaining the neo-baroque tonal aesthetic whilst adding greater fullness and colour to suit the new acoustic surroundings.

See also

altar view


I. Hauptwerk C-g3

  1. Bordun 16‘
  2. Principal 8‘
  3. Gemshorn 8’
  4. Oktave 4’
  5. Gedackt 4’
  6. Nassat 2 2/3’
  7. Oktave 2’
  8. Mixtur 4-6f. 1 1/3’
  9. Trompete 8’

II. Oberwerk (schwellbar) C-g3

  1. Rohrflöte 8‘
  2. Dulciana 8‘
  3. Principal 4‘
  4. Blockflöte 4’
  5. Feldpfeife 2’
  6. Quinte 1 1/3’
  7. Sesquialter 2f. 2 2/3’
  8. Scharff 4-5f. 1’
  9. Terzcymbel 3f. 1/6’
  10. Dulcian 16‘
  11. Trichterregal 8‘

Pedal C-f1

  1. Principal 16‘
  2. Subbaß 16‘
  3. Oktave 8’
  4. Baßflöte 8’
  5. Hohlflöte 4’
  6. Hintersatz 4f. 2 2/3’
  7. Posaune 16’
  8. Schalmei 4’


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