
Heidelberg-Wieblingen, Ev. Thadden-Schule

Neubau | II/7 | 2012 | Opus 998

There has been a basilica in Wieblingen since the 8th century. The 15th century saw the building of the third church on this site. In 1903 the congregation decided to build a new church at the northern end of the Schlosspark. The nave of the present chapel was demolished and a new wall erected at the west end of the choir.

The former choir survives today as a small chapel only 10.6m by 6.8m in size and belonging to the Evangelical (Protestant) Thadden School. It is for his building that we were asked to build a new organ within the existing case. The pipework from the former Walcker Positiv model organ has been re-voiced and reused. The console, windchests and playing action are completely new. 


I. Manual C-g3

  1. Gedeckt 8'
  2. Salizional 8' C-Gs mit 1.
  3. Prinzipal 4'
  4. Sesquialter HZ 2 2/3'
  5. Mixtur 3f HZ 2'

II. Manual C-g3

  1. Rohrflöte 8'
    Spitzflöte 4' C-g2 mit 6.

Pedal C-f1

  1. Subbass 16' c0-f1 aus 6.
