
Bad Sooden-Allendorf, St. Crucis

Enlargement and completion of the Walker organ | III/53 | 2024

The Crucis Church in Bad Sooden-Allendorf is home to a remarkable organ in the English Romantic style, which largely consists of the former organ of the Holy Trinity Church in Cambridge. The instrument was built in 1852 by the London firm Walker and has been rebuilt and extended several times in the course of its history until it was finally sold to Germany. Pipework, windchests and bellows from the Walker organ were integrated into a new organ by another organ builder in 2018, together with additional historical stops from England as well as a new console and a new facade, although this has remained unfinished.

Our workshop was commissioned to complete and extend this organ. In order to make the instrument fully functional, technical components and structural parts had to be revised or renewed and completed. Previously missing stops and pipes were added along with additional electric chests. Tubular bells and a Solo division (Auxiliary) with three high-pressure stops, which can be individually switched to the keyboards, were added. A comprehensive re-voicing of the organ eliminated tonal inadequacies and ensured a harmonious balance between the stops.

At the same time, we renovated the existing choir organ in the church and fitted it with an electric action so that it could be integrated into the main organ system and played from there. The choir organ was given a Zimbelstern.

Foto: (c) Frank Zerbst
Foto: (c) Frank Zerbst


I. Choir C-c4

  1. Double Dulciana 8'
  2. Hohlflute 8'
  3. Viola 8'
  4. Dulciana 8'
  5. Flauto traverso 4'
  6. Dulcet 4'
  7. Nazard 2 2/3'
  8. Piccolo 2'
  9. Tierce 1 3/5'
  10. Dulciana Mixture II 2'
  11. Trumpet 16'
  12. Tromba 8' (Ext. Trumpet 16')
  13. Clarinet 8'
    III-I, Sub/Super III-I, Sub/Super I

II. Great C-c4

  1. Double Open Diapason 16'
  2. Lieblich Bourdon 16'
  3. Open Diapason No. 1 8'
  4. Open Diapason No. 2 8'
  5. Open Diapason No. 3 8'
  6. Lieblich Gedackt 8'
  7. Salicional 8'
  8. Principal 4'
  9. Harmonic Flute 4'
  10. Twelfth 2 2/3'
  11. Fifteenth 2'
  12. Tierce 1 3/5' (2018)
  13. Mixture III 2' (2018)
  14. Fourniture III-V 1 1/3' (2024)
  15. Tierce Mixture III 2'
    Trumpet 16' (Transm. I.)
  16. Trumpet 8'
    III-II, Sub/Super III-II, Sub/Super I-II

III. Swell C-c4

  1. Open Diapason 8'
    Lieblich Bourdon 16' (Transmission)
  2. Rohr Flute 8'
  3. Viole d'Orchestre 8'
  4. Voix celeste 8'
  5. Principal 4'
  6. Flute 4'
  7. Fifteenth 2'
  8. Fifth 1 1/3'
  9. Mixture III 1'
  10. Double Trumpet 16'
  11. Trumpet 8'
  12. Oboe 8'
  13. Clarion 4'
    Sub/Super III

Solo (high pressure) * C-c4

  1. Tuba 8' (2024)
  2. Solo Flute 8' (2024)
  3. Orchestral Gamba 8' (2024)
    Chimes (Röhrenglocken) g°-g2 (2024)

Pedal C-f1

  1. Open Wood 32' (2018)
    Resultant 32' (akustisch)
  2. Open Diapason 16'
  3. Violon 16'
  4. Bourdon 16'
    Echo Bourdon 16' (Transm. II.)
  5. Octave 8' (Ext. Op. Diap. 16')
  6. Bass Flute 8' (Ext. Bourdon 16')
  7. Violoncello 8'
  8. Octave Flute 4' (Ext. Bass Flute 8')
    Trombone 16' (Transm. III.)
    Trumpet 16' (Transm. I.)
    Tromba 8' (Transm./Ext. I.)
    Clarine 4' (Transm./Ext. I.)
    I-P, II-P, III-P, Sub/Super II-P, Sub/Super III-P

Chororgel Manual ** C-f3

  1. Prinzipal 8'
  2. Gedackt 8'
  3. Oktave 4'
  4. Flöte 4'
  5. Metallflöte 2'
  6. Mixtur 1 1/3'

Chororgel Pedal C-d1

  1. Subbaß 16'
  2. Oktavbaß 8'


Schleifladen mit mechanischer Spieltraktur, 
Registertraktur und Koppeln elektrisch.
Pedal mit elektrischen Einzeltonladen.

* Die Solo-Register können jedem Werk individuell zugeschaltet werden
** freie Manualzuordnung für die Chororgel-Register