
Trossingen, Musikhochschule

Renovation of the Vier organ (1981) | II/27 | 2022

The ravages of time and frequent use as a university instrument have made necessary a thorough overhaul of the Vier organ, built in 1982. In addition to the usual cleaning, repair and regulation, the work included a conversion of the inadequate wind system to stabilize the wind pressure. An intensive re-voicing gives the hitherto thin and rough sound significantly more foundation, colour and character, and thus adapt it better to the musical and acoustic requirements.


I. Hauptwerk C-g3

  1. Gemshorn 16'
  2. Prinzipal 8'
  3. Rohrflöte 8'
  4. Oktave 4'
  5. Spitzflöte 4'
  6. Blockflöte 2'
  7. Sesquialtera 2f.
    (Vorabzug Quinte 2 2/3')
  8. Mixtur 4f. 1 1/3'
    (Vorabzug Oktävlein 1')
  9. Trompete 8'

II. Schwellwerk C-g3

  1. Salicional 8'
  2. Gedackt 8'
  3. Prinzipal 4'
  4. Rohrflöte 4'
  5. Oktave 2'
  6. Larigot 1 1/3'
  7. Scharf 3-4f. 1'
  8. Dulzian 8'
  9. Oboe 8'

Pedal C-f1

  1. Subbass 16'
  2. Prinzipal 8'
  3. Pommer 8'
  4. Oktave 4'
  5. Koppelflöte 2'
  6. Rauschpfeife 3f. 2 2/3'
  7. Fagott 16'
  8. Posaune 8'
  9. Schalmey 4'

    3 Normalkoppeln
    mechanische Schleifladen